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Week20 - DiagrammeR with VivaGraphJS

Week20 - DiagrammeR with VivaGraphJS

Way back in my first real post on this blog Week 01 | Easy Flowcharts and Diagrams ~ DiagrammeR, we announced DiagrammeR. Since then, DiagrammeR’s author Rich Iannone has amazed me with his efforts to improve, grow, and document (truly something special) the package. DiagrammeR began with mermaid(mermaid.js) and then quickly added grViz(viz.js/graphviz) as two methods to both layout and render diagrams specified as text.

Even with all the dedicated efforts by Rich Iannone, there are still many ways DiagrammeR can improve, but much of the improvement depends on some determination of the strategic direction for DiagrammeR. What I think Rich would like is a cohesive set of functionality that allows users easy access to multiple layout engines and interactive renderers while also leveraging strengths of existing R functionality. With this in mind, areas of improvement can be grouped in three ways:

  1. interoperability within DiagrammeR - mermaid is completely separate and isolated from grViz with their own unique specification.
  2. interoperability with R - R is loaded with packages that could benefit DiagrammeR. One example is networks. Diagrams aren’t always networks, but very often networks become diagrams. DiagrammeR’s support of networks in non-text form, such as igraph, does not exist.
  3. interactivity - Technically, a user can achieve interactivity in DiagrammeR, but only if the user has a thorough understanding of JavaScript. Incorporating ideas and features like those in the new htmlwidget package visNetwork would provide a very robust and interactive aesthetic result.

Does VivaGraphJS fit in?

Does the very nice JavaScript library VivaGraphJS/ngraph from Andrei Kashcha fit in DiagrammeR? Adding VivaGraphJS gives DiagrammeR a interactive rendering engine focused on networks. If possible, combining VivaGraphJS and grViz could prove very powerful and synergystic. Similarly, VivaGraphJS could offer nice functionality to igraph and other R network packages.

I should note that Keeghan Hines already started an htmlwidget implementation vivagRaph that encouraged me to explore this further. Thanks so much to Keeghan for his work here.

Seed for Iteration

Since learning often occurs best by doing, we’ll start with a new function vivagraph as our seed for iteration. Hopefully, it will give us some insight into new features, better coordination, additional interactivity, more network support, leveraging of existing R layouts, and additional unforeseen use cases. Let’s see some examples with the first rough draft of vivagraph.


We are not entirely sure how this will be incorporated, so currently vivagraph exists in its own Github branch. To test out vivagraph, please install as shown below. Note, existing functionality in DiagrammeR will be unaffected, so nothing should break.

devtools::install_github( "timelyportfolio/DiagrammeR@feature/vivagraphjs" )

With create_graph from DiagrammeR

Rich Iannone has put quite a bit of effort into graph building functions that don’t require knowledge of the specialized field of networks. Here is an example using create_graph to build our nodes and edges but rendering with vivagraph.

## please see install step above

library( DiagrammeR )

## use example create_graph from DiagrammeR documentation
##   http://rich-iannone.github.io/DiagrammeR/graphs.html

# Create a graph

nodes <-
  create_nodes(nodes = LETTERS,
               type = "letter",
               shape = sample(c("circle", "rectangle"),
                              replace = TRUE),
               fillcolor = sample(c("aqua", "gray80",
                                    "pink", "lightgreen",
                                    "azure", "yellow"),
                                  replace = TRUE))

edges <-
  create_edges(edge_from = sample(LETTERS, replace = TRUE),
               edge_to = sample(LETTERS, replace = TRUE),
               relationship = "letter_to_letter")

graph <-
  create_graph(nodes_df = nodes,
               edges_df = edges,
               graph_attrs = "layout = neato",
               node_attrs = c("fontname = Helvetica",
                              "style = filled"),
               edge_attrs = c("color = gray20",
                              "arrowsize = 0.5"))

vivagraph( nodes, edges )

You might notice some interactivity that we don’t get with grViz. However, you will also probably notice that vivagraph is not aware of the styling, etc. that we applied on our nodes and edges. This is definitely on the roadmap for future development.

With igraph network

DiagrammeR does not have any built-in handlers for igraph and other powerful R network packages. vivagraph does try to smartly handle igraph network graphs.

library( DiagrammeR )
library( igraph )

# plot one of the graph.famous from igraph
vivagraph( graph.famous( "Franklin" ) )

You might notice as above that any styling, etc. is not currently supported, but as above, this is definitely on the roadmap.

If you love igraph layouts though, you should definitely like this. In the examples above we used the default forceDirected layout from VivaGraphJS, but vivagraph can also use positions defined by layout.*.

vivagraph( graph.famous( "Franklin" ), layout = layout.circle )

And here is an igraph plot for reference using layout.circle, so vivagraph leverages the layout engine while also adding interactivity and in the future various node types and styling.

plot( graph.famous( "Franklin" ), layout = layout.circle )

Let’s see a couple more to illustrate.

vivagraph( graph.famous( "Dodecahedron" ), layout = layout.grid )

vivagraph( graph.famous( "Herschel" ), layout = layout.fruchterman.reingold )

grViz with igraph layout

As an example how we learn by doing, I discovered that grViz could also use igraph for layouts. Even though there is no vivagraph in here, let’s look at how we could eventually realize interoperability within DiagrammeR. Our diagram will get some additional help from graphviz splines and overlap. You can see this at work by closely comparing the bottom of our grViz diagram with the reference igraph plot below.


#### use igraph example from documentation
actors <- data.frame(
  name=c("Alice", "Bob", "Cecil", "David", "Esmeralda")
  , age=c(48,33,45,34,21)
  , gender=c("F","M","F","M","F")
relations <- data.frame(
  from=c("Bob", "Cecil", "Cecil", "David", "David", "Esmeralda")
  , to=c("Alice", "Bob", "Alice", "Alice", "Bob", "Alice")
  , friendship=c(4,5,5,2,1,1), advice=c(4,5,5,4,2,3)
g <- graph.data.frame(relations, directed=TRUE, vertices=actors)

## use igraph layout for positions
g_layout <- layout.grid(g)

## now plot with DiagrammeR using igraph layout positions
##  but use graphviz splines and overlap handling
g %>>%
  get.data.frame( what = "both" ) %>>%
    # DiagrammeR create_graph helper function
        nodes = rownames(.$vertices)
        ,x = g_layout[,1]  # define our x from the igraph layout
        ,y = g_layout[,2]  # define our y from the igraph layout
      ,graph_attrs = 'splines="true" overlap = "scale" label = "igraph + grViz"'
  ) %>>%
    grViz( .$dot_code, engine="neato" )

Let’s compare to the default igraph plot.

plot( g, layout = g_layout)

Thoughts and Conclusion

Even if VivaGraphJS does not fit in DiagrammeR, DiagrammeR can improve by learning from a VivaGraphJS experimental implementation. Please give us thoughts, feedback, use cases to help us determine the future direction of DiagrammeR.


Thanks so much

  • VivaGraphJS from Andrei Kashcha
  • Keeghan Hines for his initial implementation vivagRaph
  • Rich Iannone for his dedicated and admirable work on DiagrammeR
  • Ramnath Vaidyanathan and RStudio for htmlwidgets
  • all the contributors to R and JavaScript